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Generate a model

Generate a 3d Model from prompt or image

Body Parameters

  • prompt - string - optional

    A text prompt to generate 3D model. Required if type is 'text'

  • type - string - optional

    Type of input, either image or text

    (Default: text)

    Allowed types: text, image

  • quality - string - required

    Quality of the model

    Allowed types: normal, advanced

  • image - string - optional

    Image URL. Only required if type is 'image' and quality is 'normal'

  • file - file - optional

    A file in form data. Only required if type is 'image' and quality is 'advanced'


  • Content-Type - - optional

    A form data header, only required if type is 'image' and quality is 'advanced'

    (Default: application/json)

    Allowed types: multipart/form-data (if providing file), application/json (if not providing file)

  • x-api-key - - optional

    Your API token

curl -X POST --location
-H "Content-Type: HEADER_VALUE" \
-H "x-api-key: HEADER_VALUE" \
--data='{ "prompt": "VALUE", "type": "VALUE", "quality": "VALUE", "image": "VALUE", "file": "VALUE" }'


"success": true,
"data": {
"glb": "GLB_URL_OF_MODEL",
"image": "IMAGE_URL_OF_MODEL",
"id": "ID_OF_MODEL"